Veli, profile photo

3 women's matches in Germany 21st to 23rd June in Potsdam Germany. If you are able to take the matches, send an email to me directly.

Veli, profile photo

Referee pair found, thanks :)

Veli, profile photo

EuroPower tournament for women in Celano in Italy on 27th to 28th of April. If you are interested, send an email directly, don't spam this site.

Veli, profile photo

Thanks all, Polish Cup settled

Veli, profile photo


anyone available for the WU19 Polish Cup for the upcoming weekend? One pair got sick. Finnish referees are not an option due to the strike on Thursday and Friday.

Replies to MY email: halonen(miuku)floorball(piste)sport

Lukas, profile photo

Hi, Veli, I guess we could, we just need to confirm if we're free for work on Friday. What time would we have to be there?